COVID-19 Prevention Policies
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve taken extensive measures to safeguard our staff and customers, ensuring our store is open and clean for your secure shopping.
1. We are very concerned with your safety, we ask that no one with a fever leave your home.
2. Please leave your children at home.
3. We ask that if you're coughing to please wear a mask, which we are now ready to sell and have many styles to choose from.
4. We have germ juice (aka: hand sanitizer) at the door, kindly use it. And we also have small bottles for sale.
5. We will provide 6' poles, (there will be 6' marks on the floor) and, if anyone comes near you, you have our permission to wack them! Wack-A-Mole party!
6. Limit of 6 people in the store at any time.
7. Phase 3 hours -
8. Our website offers store curbside pickup for free. If you don't need to try on your purchase consider this alternative to minimize contact.